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Anritsu ShockLine™ ME7869A Modular 2-port PhaseLync Vector Network Analyzer

The ME7869A is part of the ShockLine™ family of Vector Network Analyzers from Anritsu. It is a modular 2-port VNA consisting of two ShockLine MS46131A 1-port VNAs synchronized with PhaseLync™ technology. The ShockLine ME7869A 2-port VNA is available in three frequency ranges: 1 MHz to 8/20/43.5 GHz, and is capable of S-parameter and time domain measurements.
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Available Configurations

The two ShockLine MS46131A VNAs determine the instrument performance of the ME7869A, as they become the test

ports and provide the source and measurement capabilities for the 2-port VNA. The MS46131A is based on patented

ShockLine VNA on-chip technology, which simplifies the internal VNA architecture at high frequencies, reduces instrument

cost and size, and enhances accuracy and measurement repeatability.

The patented PhaseLync technology enables the multiple MS46131As to phase synchronize, enabling the ME7869A VNA to

measure complex S-parameters on passive RF and Microwave devices. The MS46131A-012/025/050/100 PhaseLync

options support synchronization to distances of up to 100 meters, enabling the ME7869A to simplify applications where

vector transmission measurements over distance is required by bringing the VNA port to the DUT.

The ME7869A VNA uses USB communication to control both MS46131A VNAs from an external PC. ShockLine software

runs the ME7869A as well as the rest of the ShockLine family of VNAs, providing a powerful graphical user interface for

debugging and manual testing of devices. The software also provides a common command syntax that is compatible

across the entire ShockLine VNA lineup for comprehensive remote control programming.

Key Specifications

  • Standard 2-Port Configurations
    • ME7869A-010 8 GHz

    • ME7869A-020 20 GHz

    • ME7869A-043 43.5 GHz

    • MS46131A-025 8 GHz (software Option 25)

    • MS46131A-050 20 GHz (software Option 50)

    • MS46131A-100 43.5 GHz (software Option 100)

    • ME7869A-010 8 GHz, 25 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-020 20 GHz, 25 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-043 43.5 GHz, 25 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-010 8 GHz, 50 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-020 20 GHz, 50 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-043 43.5 GHz, 50 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-010 8 GHz, 100 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-020-25 20 GHz, 100 meter PhaseLync cabling

    • ME7869A-043-25 43.5 GHz, 100 meter PhaseLync cabling

  • System Dynamic Range
    • 105dB Typical
  • High Level Npise
    • 0.003 dB Typical
  • Measurement Parameters
    • Single-ended S-parameters: S11, S21, S12, S22

      Mixed-Mode S-parameters: SDD, SCC, SDC, SCD

      User-defined combination: a1, a2, b1, b2, 1

  • Display Graphs
    • Log Magnitude, Phase, Group Delay, Linear Magnitude,

      Real, Imaginary, SWR, Impedance, Smith Chart, Polar

  • Measurement Data Points

    • 2 to 16,001 points
  • Display Channels and Traces
    • Up to 16 channels with a maximum of 16 traces each. A

      separate memory for each trace can be used to store

      measurement data for later display or subtraction, addition,

      multiplication, or division with current measurement data.

      The trace data can be saved and recalled.


The two ShockLine MS46131A VNAs determine the instrument performance of the ME7869A, as they become the test

ports and provide the source and measurement capabilities for the 2-port VNA. The MS46131A is based on patented

ShockLine VNA on-chip technology, which simplifies the internal VNA architecture at high frequencies, reduces instrument

cost and size, and enhances accuracy and measurement repeatability.

The patented PhaseLync technology enables the multiple MS46131As to phase synchronize, enabling the ME7869A VNA to

measure complex S-parameters on passive RF and Microwave devices. The MS46131A-012/025/050/100 PhaseLync

options support synchronization to distances of up to 100 meters, enabling the ME7869A to simplify applications where

vector transmission measurements over distance is required by bringing the VNA port to the DUT.

The ME7869A VNA uses USB communication to control both MS46131A VNAs from an external PC. ShockLine software

runs the ME7869A as well as the rest of the ShockLine family of VNAs, providing a powerful graphical user interface for

debugging and manual testing of devices. The software also provides a common command syntax that is compatible

across the entire ShockLine VNA lineup for comprehensive remote control programming.