Like a Shark, that highly efficient hunter in the ocean, Narda SignalShark derives its success in measurement from the interplay of its highly developed senses. Its 40 MHz real-time bandwidth captures the spectrum of even very short-pulsed signals > 3.125 µs with a POI of 100 %. This guarantees a consistent awareness of all spectrum events. Due to its distinguished analysis functions as real-time spectrum, spectrogram and persistence, measured signals are analyzed with a very high frequency and time resolution.
More and more devices have to share the available frequency ranges because of the rapid development in new technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M) or car-to-car (C2C) communications and expanding 4G/5G mobile networks. Whether making a wideband measurement of an entire frequency range, detecting hidden signals, reliably capturing very short impulses or localizing interference signals, SignalShark provides comprehensive measurement solutions for the increasingly complex RF spectrum.
In combination with the manual and automatic antennas, the SignalShark is perfectly suited for the direction finding of radiated signals "Angle of Arrival" AoA, the localization of emitters by triangulation or the heat map and "Homing", the search for interference in the immediate vicinity. In addition, the SignalShark supports localization according to the TDOA principle.
The following software options are available:
- Option, Spectrogram
Visual representation of the recorded spectrums versus time. Colors represent the signal level. The smallest selectable time resolution is 31.25 μs. Detectors compress the high-speed real-time spectrums down to the selected time resolution. - Option, Level Meter incl. Compass values
Shows the results from an independent receiver path with channel filter - Option, Automatic DF Antenna Control, Bearing View
Shows azimuth, elevation, DF quality, and omnidirectional RMS level derived from the Narda automatic DF antenna (ADFA). - Option, Horizontal Scan
Automatic direction finding of a signal source (Narda directional antenna needed) - Option, SCPI Remote Control --> This allows the Narda Script Launcher to be installed.
- Option, VITA 49
Shows the basic measurement parameter settings while streaming I/Q data according to the Vita 49 standard. - Option, Analog Demodulation
Horizontal Scan: Automatic direction finding of a signal source (Narda directional antenna needed):
- Polar diagram with information on the field distribution and indication of direction towards the signal source for recognition of reflections and common channel interference
- Numerical display of level, azimuth (angle from North), elevation (angle above horizon) and polarization
- Extremely steep channel filters for clean separation of even closely spaced frequencies
- Demodulation of USB, LSB, AM and FM with facility for recording