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Where there is electricity, there is an electromagnetic field (EMF). Electromagnetic fields are used in radio broadcasting, TV broadcasting, and wireless communications. Basic restrictions have been recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) based on medical studies surrounding the health effects of electromagnetic waves. These basic restrictions take into account environmental conditions and uncertainties surrounding personal sensitivity.

RF safety equipment is necessary to monitor RF exposure and ensure safe limits are not exceeded. There are four main types of RF safety equipment: Personal RF monitors, RF survey meters, Field analyzers, and area monitors. Personal RF monitors are worn on the body and send an alarm when radiation limits are exceeded. RF survey meters are used to measure field strength with probes and antennas. Field analyzers are stationary units that can perform measurements from close or far distances. Area monitors are stationary units that are meant to continuously monitor levels in the long-term.

It is essential to check exposure levels to ensure they meet the regulatory limits to protect the health of the public and the workers that work in close proximity to high-frequency emitters.

Avalon carries all types of RF safety equipment so you can choose what you need based on your specific requirements. Rent or purchase from Avalon Test Equipment and Test With Confidence®.

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The EME Guard XS is an EMF measuring device to alert workers near antennas. Quantity discounts are available. 80 MHz–6 GHz/

MVG EME Guard XS Radar

EME Guard XS Radar is an RF safety tool for frequency bands of 80 MHz-30Gh-Hz that continuously scans for electromagnetic waves and alerts the user when acceptable limits have been exceeded.


EME Guard XS 40 GHz is an RF safety tool that continuously scans for electromagnetic waves and alerts the user when acceptable limits have been exceeded. Purchase from Avalon Test Equipment. Test with confidence®.

MVG EME Wideband Field Meter

Wideband EMF Exposure Meter, 100 KHz–6.5 GHz

MVG EMF Visual Advanced (GPU) MONO

EMF Visual 3D Simulation Software

MVG EMF Visual Advanced (GPU) NETWORK

EMF Visual 3D Simulation Software

MVG EMF Visual Standard (CPU) Mono

EMF Visual 3D Simulation Software

MVG EMF Visual Standard (CPU) Network

EMF Visual 3D Simulation Software

Keysight N9038A MXE EMI Receiver

3 Hz to 3.6, 8.4, 26.5, and 44 GHz

Keysight N9000B CXA Signal Analyzer

Multi-touch, 9 kHz–26.5 GHz

Keysight N9020B MXA Signal Analyzer

Multi-touch, 10 Hz–50 GHz

Keysight N9040B UXA Signal Analyzer

Multi-touch, 2 Hz–50 GHz

Keysight/Agilent N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer

10 Hz to 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz

Keysight N9010B EXA Signal Analyzer

Multi-touch, 10 Hz–44 GHz

Narda EF6092 E-Field (NBM),Flat

Probe EF 6092, E-Field,for NBM, 100MHz-60GHz

Narda 300MHz-50GHz EFD-5091 E-Field Probe, Thermo (For fieldman)

EFD-5091: E-Field Probe 300MHz-50GHz, Thermo

Narda 300kHz - 30MHz HFD-3061 ,H Field Probe(For fieldman)

HFD-3061: H Field Probe, 300kHz - 30MHz

Narda 100kHz-3GHz EFD-0392: E-FIELD PROBE, HiPow(for fieldman)

EFD-0392: E-FIELD PROBE, HiPow-100kHz-3GHz

Narda 2Mhz-18GHz EFD-1891 Fast response E-Field Probe (For fieldman)

Fast responseEFD-1891: E-Field Fast Probe-2MHz - 18GHz

Narda A/D Probe Converter for NBM Probes

A/D Probe Converter for NBM Probes

Narda Automatic DF-Antenna 2 for Signal Shark 10MHz-8GHz

Automatic DF-Antenna 2 , 10MHz-8GHz Automatic Antenna, Directional Finding Antenna, Signal Shark , Signal Shark Handheld Analyzer,