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Thermo Fisher/Keytek

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Thermo Scientific PK1001D-1 Differential Surge Probe

6kV Differential Surge Probe (10ns risetime)

DCA-2 DC Output Calibration Attenuator

Thermo Fisher/Keytek DCA-2 DC Output Calibration Attenuator

EFT/Noise Burst Module E421

Thermo Scientific ECAT Module E421; EFT/Noise Burst Simulator module for IEC 61000-4-4 Edition 2 to 8kV

Keytek E502K Telecommunications Surge Wave Module

Thermo Scientific ECAT Module E502K; Telecom Waves for CCITT Rec K22 (compatible with CM-TELCD Telecom coupler/decoupler).

M Precision EMCPro Plus EMC Test System

Thermo Scientific EMCPro Plus EMC Test System; expandable, portable, multi-function EMC test system for pre-compliance, QA, and full certification testing. Test for up to seven global EMC standards for susceptibility to electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic compatibility with a single instrument.

M Precision MiniZap-15 ESD Simulator

The MPL MZ15 ESD Simulator Gun for IEC 1000-4-2 compliance testing. Includes 150pF/330 ohm discharge network, TPA-1, TPA-2, TPC-2A discharge tips, battery charger, carrying case.

PK1001D-1 Differential Surge Probe; 6kV

6kV Differential Surge Probe (10ns risetime)